With the plentiful materials, hard-working and creative labor, over 60 years up to now, there have been a lot of seagrass-production bases, which create jobs and income, advancing life standard for thousands of people.


Nowadays, there are many villages to be recognized as traditional handicraft villages; dozens of big bussinesses such as Kim Long, Dai dong, Nang Dong, Doi Moi, Quang Minh, Xuan Hoa,… have exports their products to the Soviet Union before 1990 and also to Europe, China, Korea, Japan,…

To have a product qualifying for export, the process from planting to creating seagrass products is thoroughly and exactly done from planting, collecting seagrass from the field, choosing the good ones, drying, dying in colors to the final stage is knitting and packaging products.


In the harvesting time, people bring machine to the field. After cutting the seagrass, they process right in the field. Thanks to the machine, this process is done faster and save a lot of labor, moreover, it helps ensure the quality of the seagrass.


Seagrass after collecting from the field is dried and then dyed in colors. It is then dried again by machine to have complete material.


From then, this seagrass is used to weave various products for export and using in Vietnam


Kim Sơn people are very clever in producing seagrass products. They still use hand to weave rat to create precise products


There are many kinds of rat with high quality and attractive patterns on them. Farmers are really the professional craftsmen.

Handicraft of Kim Son has reached to some big markets such as the Soviet Union before 1990. Until now, they are becoming more and more popular in Europe, America and also in the Asia with plentiful models and colors, meeting the stringent demand of customers.

( baoninhbinh.org.com)

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